One of the most concerning household problems is a blocked drain. This can lead to backups, foul odours, and potential damage to your property. Let's explore the symptoms of a blocked drain and offer guidance on unblocking your drain. Remember, if DIY fails and you live in Sydney, consult an expert plumber near you. They can tackle blocked drains and sewer line issues efficiently and restore the functionality of your plumbing system and happy home.

What Are the Symptoms of a blocked drain?

A blocked drain can cause significant disruptions to your daily routine and potentially lead to extensive damage if not addressed promptly. Recognizing the symptoms of a clogged sewer line is crucial for early detection and necessary action.

One of the primary signs of a blocked drain is when multiple drains in your home start experiencing issues simultaneously. You may notice that sinks, showers, bathtubs, and toilets are all draining slowly or backing up. Since the main sewer line connects all the drains in your house, a blockage in this line can affect various fixtures throughout your property.

You may hear strange gurgling noises. This is another common symptom of a blocked drain or clogged sewer line. You may hear gurgling noises coming from your drains when using water in other parts of your home. These noises occur as the air gets trapped in the plumbing system due to the blockage, leading to abnormal water flow and pressure fluctuations. Pay attention to any unusual sounds coming from your drains, as they may indicate an underlying sewer line issue.

A blocked drain can result in unpleasant sewage odours emanating from drains, toilets, or even outside your home. The stagnant wastewater trapped behind the clog emits foul smells that are difficult to ignore. If you detect persistent sewage odours, especially in multiple areas of your property, it's a strong indication of a blocked drain or clogged sewer line that requires immediate attention. Call a local plumber for help in diagnosing the source of the issue. Plumbers carry equipment such as a Jetter that can immediately remedy blockages and through water pressure. Professional plumber often use video camera tools that can inspect piping interiors and further diagnose the issue.

When a drain is obstructed, water may start backing up into lower-lying drains, such as basement floor drains or shower pans. You may also experience slow drainage, where water takes an unusually long time to empty from sinks, bathtubs, or toilets. These issues arise because the clog restricts the flow of wastewater, causing it to accumulate and create backups in the affected drains. A blocked drain can cause fluctuations in the water levels of your toilet bowl. You may notice that the water level is unusually high or low, regardless of flushing. This occurs because the clog disrupts the normal flow of water in the sewer line, leading to irregular water levels in the toilet.

If you observe any of these symptoms, it is crucial to address the clogged sewer line promptly. Ignoring the issue can result in more severe problems, such as sewage backups, pipe bursts, or structural damage.

DIY Pro Tips

For those who are handy, try unblocking your drain using household plumbing tools such as a plunger. Dealing with a blocked drain can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can effectively unblock it and restore the proper flow of wastewater. Here are the steps to follow when faced with a clogged main sewer line:

1. Assess the Severity

Before attempting any DIY methods, it's important to assess the severity of the blockage. If you're experiencing minor issues, such as slow drainage in a single fixture, you can start with simple solutions like plunging or using a drain snake. If however, multiple drains in your home are affected, or if you've already attempted DIY methods without success, it's advisable to seek professional help from a qualified plumber. 

2. Turn Off the Water Supply

As a precautionary measure, it's essential to turn off the water supply to your home. This step will prevent any potential backups or water damage while you're working on unblocking the main sewer line.

3. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners might seem like a quick fix, but they can be harsh on your plumbing system and may not effectively clear a main sewer line clog. Furthermore, these chemicals can pose health risks and cause damage to your pipes. It's best to steer clear of chemical drain cleaners and opt for safer, more reliable methods.

4. Repair or Replace

In some cases, the blockage may be visible in the S-bend or S-trap. Your local hardware will usually stock a replacement part and a complete replacement will ensuring a long-lasting solution. You will need a few other items in your shopping list to replace the s-trap. Firstly, plumbing tape (Teflon tape) is required to re-fix your s-trap to the adjoining components. Be sure to wrap the edges from 4-6 times in the same direction of the threads. This will give you a snug fit and no water leakage. Be sure to purchase the complete s-trap kit rather than the single s-trap, because the kit will also generally contain the rubber seals needed to close the seal between the connecting components.

Who Can Unblock Outside Drains?

When facing a blocked sewer line outside your property that still affects you, it's important to understand the responsibilities and know whom to contact for assistance. Here's what you need to know:

The responsibility for maintaining and unblocking outside drains typically lies with the local council or sewer authority. In most cities, they are responsible for the main sewer lines that serve multiple properties in a specific area. While the responsibility for outside drains typically lies with the sewer authority, in Australia, a general maintenance plumbing company in Sydney should be able to provide support and guidance throughout the process.

If you're experiencing difficulties communicating with the sewer authority or need additional assistance, experienced plumbers can offer advice and insights to help resolve the issue effectively.